Friday 20 April 2012

THE LEADER AS A COACH:building an effective team

And t he lord said " Behold they are one people, and they all have the same language. . . And now nothing which they purpose to do shall be empossible for them "(Genesis 11:6) As a leader ,you will face the challenge of finding the right people for your team, communicating your vision, and developing them into a cohensive team: a team that not only posseses great individual talents,but also they work well together. Wow. It might make you tired just thinking about. Let's begin by looking at some principles of teamwork from Dr. Maxwell's book, The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork. We believe these principles are both universal and timeless: 1.The law of SIGNIFICANCE :one is too small to achieve God's purpose. 2. The law of the BIG PICTURE:The goal is more important than the role. 3. The law of the NICHE: All team members have place where they add the most value. 4. The law of CAMPUS : Vision gives team members direction and cofidence. 5. The law of the BAD APPLE: Rotten altitude can ruin a good team. 6. The law of the CHAIN : The strength of the team is impacted by its weakest link. Teams are what God uses to accomplish His purposes. He usually calls an individual to a vision, then that individual realizes the vision is bigger than he is. Eventually ,This individual recognizes he must become a leader because other people are needed to reach the goal. The vision is God -sized, not human - sized! Finally, the leader recognizes he must develop this group of people into a team that works well together. There is a difference between group and a team.(TO BE CONTINUED) you may view testimonies on or email me at or send an sms to +260961109549 if you want us to send a testimony.


CONTINUATION Read 1 Timothy 4:13-16. Here paul made it clear that Timothy was responsible foq those who head him. As an evangelist and a minister we need to be obedient to the great commission . We need to take the word seriously. The revival will come when people are willing to say." what do you want me to do lord?" Here iam lord send me. We have to win the battle against ourselves before we can win the battle against satan. Having stoked up the fire you encourage people to be followers of you. The sunday school is the biggest field of evangelism in the church. It is most important and should be a major importance in the church . The children in the sunday school should have chairs and desks rather than the congregation. They should priority. Many of the children are from unbelieving homes and are unsaved and must be treated better. You must put emphasis on those children. Put you heart and souls into it. You are sowing the seed of their awareness of the lord Jesus Christ. If your organisation is chaotic and you have not got your lessons well planned and are not ready to start when the children arrive you are saying that you do not care enoungh to get organised. Children pick up your expectations and altitude and if you are enthusiastic and organised to you will get through to them. Evangelism is not restricted to the young but can also be very effective at the other end of the scale. Go into old peoples homes and talk to people about doctrine. The people in there are waiting to die in christ. These people need to know God's word. We must be commited to it. The old people are the power of the church if they pray. Feed them doctrine and get them praying for you. What is your motive for evangflsm ? That you love Him and want others to see the person that you love . You should not get into evangelism because of embarrasment. There are some who will evangelise because they want to have a relationship with someone else on the team. We must have the right motives . You must have the Holy Spirit burning in you with love for your Lord and wanting others to know about it as well.


Witnessing is evangelism. The topic is being an honest witness:being personally prepared for the work of evangelism. Turn to Luke 24:44-49 and read this passage. Note that between the resurection and pentecost the early church was studying the word and praying daily, at times with the lord there amongest them. Note that the resurrection appearances,these miracles,did not stop them opening the Bible, rather the reverse, the miraculous appearance of the lord drove them into deeper and above fervant Bible study. They did all this while waiting for the power of God in accordance with the lord's promise to them (verse 49). There is need for power of God to be able to fulfil the great commission. They were told to wait to recieve the Holy Sprit's power before they were to go out. We as believer must witness in the power of the Holy Spirit or we are wasting our time. Prayer and evangelism are inseperable, and they are directected by the power of the Holy Spirit for effective witnessing. The lord is a fulfillment of the old testament. The one who had been promised since the Garden of Eden had come(seed that shall bruise the head of satan) genesis 3:15. He not only came but to suffer for the sins of the world.note the content of the apostolic evangelical message.(context of luke 24) (1) He came to fulfil the promises made through the old testament prophets. (2) He came to teach, heal,do miracles to prove he was;the unique person of the universe, God become man. (3). He came to deal with the sin problem of man kind. (4). The cross was not a defeat, but a victory over sin, and the resurection was the victory over death itself. The resurrection proved for allj time that what he did was both succesful and acceptable to God as the final sacrifice for sin. (5) Repentance and remission of sins is to be preached to all peoples everywhere; He universal saviour (TO BE CONTINUED) you may post your testimonies to to be on ubuntebwandi.blogspot .com or sms +260961109549 or facebook: cornerstone church age

Wednesday 18 April 2012


2 timothy 4:1-5 Read this passage and see pauls strong points. We are God ambassadors. We are to make full proof of our ministry. There is no way to avoid this. We must be evangelist. If evangelism in the church is dead it is because there is a problem with the minister. If the church is cold it is because the fire has gone out in the pulpit. Whe D.L. Moody was asked how to revive a cold church he said build a large fire on the pulpit. Dr Robert summer says, " Brethren, lets quit alibing ourselves, and face our sins. The whole matter comes down to this. Each member must consectrate themselves. Generalities will not do. When the church members stop talking about what they think may,can,must,might,should,ought would be done, and begin to ask"lord what will you have me to do?"then the revival will come with power.


(1) Music has been with creation since the start(job 38:7). (2) The jews sang their thanks to God for their delivery from egypt(Exodus 15:1). (3) Sacred music provides:- > Refreshment and drives away evil spirits ( samuel 16:23). > Assists with the ministry of word (2 kings 3:15,16). >Helps to bring man to God (psalm 40:1-3). >Helps defeat the enemy (2 chronicles 20:21-22). > Fills the House of God with groly (2 chronicles 5:13,14). (4) The jews lost their song in captivity (psalm 137:1-6) but recovered it when they returned (Ezra 3:2,11). (5) We have the lyrics of many songs in the bible such as the psalms,meriam's song but no musical notes. The lyrics which accompany the music are important as music by its effect on the emotional pattern can cause the believe to sing words which are inaccurate or heretical,yet feel good. (6) There is a song for the redeemed (Colosians 3:16) which is one of the result of filling of the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5:18,19) (7) There will be a new song in heaven (Revelation 5:9)