Friday 20 April 2012


CONTINUATION Read 1 Timothy 4:13-16. Here paul made it clear that Timothy was responsible foq those who head him. As an evangelist and a minister we need to be obedient to the great commission . We need to take the word seriously. The revival will come when people are willing to say." what do you want me to do lord?" Here iam lord send me. We have to win the battle against ourselves before we can win the battle against satan. Having stoked up the fire you encourage people to be followers of you. The sunday school is the biggest field of evangelism in the church. It is most important and should be a major importance in the church . The children in the sunday school should have chairs and desks rather than the congregation. They should priority. Many of the children are from unbelieving homes and are unsaved and must be treated better. You must put emphasis on those children. Put you heart and souls into it. You are sowing the seed of their awareness of the lord Jesus Christ. If your organisation is chaotic and you have not got your lessons well planned and are not ready to start when the children arrive you are saying that you do not care enoungh to get organised. Children pick up your expectations and altitude and if you are enthusiastic and organised to you will get through to them. Evangelism is not restricted to the young but can also be very effective at the other end of the scale. Go into old peoples homes and talk to people about doctrine. The people in there are waiting to die in christ. These people need to know God's word. We must be commited to it. The old people are the power of the church if they pray. Feed them doctrine and get them praying for you. What is your motive for evangflsm ? That you love Him and want others to see the person that you love . You should not get into evangelism because of embarrasment. There are some who will evangelise because they want to have a relationship with someone else on the team. We must have the right motives . You must have the Holy Spirit burning in you with love for your Lord and wanting others to know about it as well.

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